Friday, May 30, 2014

Music Mania Friday

The first song was a vague suggestion, but I didn't have a particular favorite, so I picked the less sad one.

Song: Dear No One by Tori Kelly

I got myself obsessed with this song over the past week, so I thought I'd share.

Song: Fire N Gold by Bea Miller

This is a song that is very much underrated, but I like underrated songs. I happen to love this one.

Song: One Day At a Time by Cody Longo

~Bella Lin, Official Admin


  1. Please play some nolstagic songs, as the year is ending?
    Like stuff from our elementary school years and anything that brings back memories and even tears. I have a nice long list if you want some suggestions. :)

    1. what if we just play dynamite like 5th grade graduation. oh god i hate that song because of fifth grade.

    2. ALSO, I have a suggestion. If you want, please add a Bella Ferraro song to next week's list. She has: Set Me On Fire, and Forgot You.
