Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Homework- February 12, 2014

Social Studies- p311 #1 a,b 4b
Math- Workbook p196-199 If you didn't finish in class. Worksheet.
Tarea # 12- Due 1st day back from break. Write two paragraphs about yourself: what do you like, what you do, what you are like. Second paragraph is about a friend. You must include at least 10 "ar" verbs conjugated your likes have to be about your schedule and your classes. Include all of the above. It must be typed and at least one page long (not double spaced).
Science- Draw a picture of the parts of a chicken and label its parts. Have one person in your group to transfer all of today's lab chart onto looseleaf and hand in.
ELA- What helped you most in writing the essay (that we worked on during the planning periods)? What strategies will you use when you write an extended response on the ELA test?
Vacation HW for ELA- Test Ready book p3-18 due 2/24. Nonfiction response due 2/25

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